This is just a list of all of the credit cards we suggest in one place. This doesn’t mean that all of these cards will be right for you. Before you apply for any of these cards, please be sure to read through the travel hacking college especially the course that focuses on each card. As always, if you have any questions, please no not hesitate to ask in our Facebook group. By using the referral links below, you are helping to support this page and our non-profit efforts! If any of the pages say “offer not available” please let us know right away and we’ll update the link for you.
Remedial cards
Most people will not need these but if you are starting from a bad position such as low credit score or you are carrying credit card debt, these cards will help you get to the right place.
Chase Trifecta (personal)
Chase Sapphire cards (this link works for both cards)
Chase Business Trifecta
You can use this link to apply for all Chase business cards. However, DO NOT apply for the premier card. This confuses a lot of people. You want the preferred card and NOT the premier card.
United Cards
Since United is a transfer partner with Chase, we highly suggest getting at least one United card. This link will cover all of United credit cards. The Explorer card is a great all-around card to have with a low annual fee but if you’re not sure which one is best for you, please ask.
Hyatt cards
Hyatt is the premier transfer partner and the personal card pays for itself. Unfortunately, there are no personal referral links so you’ll have to just apply directly on for that one.
The Bilt Mastercard
You can use this link to apply. If you pay rent, it is practically a must-have card. If you don’t pay rent, it is not worth a 5/24 slot.